Educator Workshops
These professional development trainings for formal and non-formal educators are led by volunteer facilitators with the NC Wildlife Resources Commission, generally open to the public, and free or provided for a nominal fee. They satisfy requirements for the NC Environmental Education Certification and can also provide CEU or training credits for NC licensed teachers and early childhood providers. All wildlife and educator workshops are listed on the Go Outdoors North Carolina Calendar (select “Conservation Education Workshops” in the “Type” search box)
If you are interested in scheduling or attending a workshop, or would like to know more about our professional development trainings, please email for more information.
Project Wild

Project WILD is a K-12 interdisciplinary conservation and environmental education program focused on wildlife. The goal of Project WILD is to assist students of any age in developing awareness, knowledge, skills, and commitment resulting in informed decisions, responsible behavior, and constructive actions concerning wildlife and the environment. Educators who attend a Project WILD workshop will receive the Project WILD activity guide, containing 81 activities focused on terrestrial habitats and wildlife, and qualify for CEU credits, training hours, or NC Environmental Education Certification credit.
Project WILD K12 Guide :: Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies (
Aquatic Wild

Aquatic WILD is a K-12 aquatic wildlife education program that fosters responsible actions toward wildlife and other natural resources. The Field Investigation component allows students to take a leading role in investigating aquatic habitats and resources. In addition to detailed lesson plans for each activity, activities also include: career explorations in the field of wildlife management and conservation, and STEM activity extensions. Aquatic WILD workshops are open to all interested educators including schoolteachers; park, nature center, and camp personnel; and scout leaders. Participants will receive the Aquatic WILD activity guide and qualify for CEU credits, training hours, or NC Environmental Education Certification credits.
Aquatic WILD :: Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies (
Growing Up Wild

Growing Up WILD is an early childhood program that builds on children's sense of wonder about nature and invites them to explore wildlife and their habitats, with an emphasis on promoting aquatic resource appreciation and stewardship. Through a wide range of activities and experiences, Growing Up WILD provides an early foundation for developing positive impressions about nature and lifelong social and academic skills. These 6-hour workshops are primarily oriented towards formal and nonformal educators who work with children ages 3-7. They include early childhood and classroom educators, home school teachers and park rangers. Participants trained in Growing Up WILD will receive a free Growing Up WILD activity guide and qualify for CEU credits, training hours, or NC Environmental Education Certification credits.
Growing Up WILD has been aligned with the NC Foundations of Early Learning and Development (NC FELD). If you have any questions, contact Tanya Poole at
Growing Up WILD :: Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies (
Flying Wild

Flying WILD workshops provide activities to teach middle school students about birds, their migration, and what people can do to help birds and their habitats. The activities can be used to teach classroom lessons or to set up service-learning projects. Educators who attend a workshop will receive the Flying WILD activity module and qualify for CEU credits, training hours, or NC Environmental Education Certification credits.
Flying WILD :: Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies (
CATCH workshops

CATCH workshops (Caring for Aquatics Through Conservation Habits) Use the CATCH curriculum guide to explore ways to teach about aquatic environments through fish biology, outdoor ethics, water safety and fishing skills. Techniques and activities are geared for children ages 8 to 15. Educators who attend a workshop will receive the CATCH activity guide and qualify for CEU credits, training hours, or NC Environmental Education Certification credits.
WILD: Special Topics

WILD: Special Topics workshops focus on specific species or agency initiatives and include activities that can be implemented with K-12 students in formal and non-formal settings. Examples include WILD: Bats; WILD: Black Bears; WILD: Raptors; WILD: Amphibians and WILD: Reptiles. Educators who attend a workshop will qualify for CEU credits, training hours, or NC Environmental Education Certification credits.