Gray Fox
Scientific Name: Urocyon cinereoargenteus
Classification: Game species
Abundance: Common throughout state
A selection of species found in North Carolina.
Scientific Name: Urocyon cinereoargenteus
Classification: Game species
Abundance: Common throughout state
Scientific Name: Sciurus carolinensis
Classification: Small game
Abundance: Abundant-statewide
Scientific Name: Marmota monax
Classification: Nongame
Abundance: Locally abundant
Scientific Name: Mustela frenata
Classification: Furbearer
Abundance: Common throughout state
Scientific Name: Sylvilagus palustris
Classification: Small game
Abundance: Locally abundant
Scientific Name: Mustela vison
Classification: Furbearer Species
Abundance: Found throughout the state;
more common in coastal marshes and swamps
Scientific Name: Ondatra zibethicus
Classification: Furbearer species
Abundance: Found throughout the state;
rare in coastal areas of southeastern NC
Scientific Name: Lontra canadensis
Classification: Furbearer
Abundance: Located statewide
Scientific Name: Myocaster coypus bonariensis
Classification: Game
Abundance: Locally abundant
Scientific Name: Procyon lotor
Classification: Game Species and Furbearer
Abundance: Common throughout state
Scientific Name: Vulpes vulpes
Classification: Game Species
Abundance: Common throughout state
The red fox is the one of two types of foxes found in North Carolina. The other is the gray fox.
Scientific Name: Glaucomys volans
Classification: nongame
Abundance: Found throughout NC
Scientific Name: Mephitis mephitis
Classification: Furbearer and game species
Abundance: Occupies most of the state (green); rare
to absent in certain Coastal Plain counties
Scientific Name: Didelphis virginiana
Classification: Game species and furbearer
Abundance: Common throughout state
Scientific Name: Odocoileus virginianus
Abundance: Common throughout state