A Mindset for Fly Fishers

A Mindset for Fly Fishers

"Take any path you please and, ten to one it carries you down in a dale, and leaves you there by a pool in the stream. There’s magic in it. Let the most absent-minded of men be plunged in his deepest reveries, stand that man on his legs, set his feet a-going, and he will infallibly lead you to water if there is water to be in that region…Yes, as everyone knows, meditation and water are wedded forever.” – Herman Melville, Moby Dick READ MORE

Wednesday, July 31, 2019/Author: NCWRC blogger/Number of views (2290)/Comments (0)/

Fired Up for Bird Habitat

Fired Up for Bird Habitat

Throughout the winter and early spring, you are likely to see a plume of smoke rising above North Carolina’s game lands. This time of year is prescribed fire season for the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission. Employees are gearing up and focusing on restoration efforts, habitat improvements and fuel reductions. READ MORE

Thursday, January 24, 2019/Author: NCWRC blogger/Number of views (3583)/Comments (0)/

Tier III Hunts Help Disabled Hunters Get Outdoors Again

Tier III Hunts Help Disabled Hunters Get Outdoors Again

Tier III hunts are Commission-facilitated and assisted hunts that are held annually on a game land within each region. These hunts, which require a permit and orientation, offer unique hunting opportunities for disabled hunters and their companions. Hunts are conducted on Lower Roanoke River Wetlands, Johns River and R. Wayne Bailey-Caswell game lands each fall. READ MORE

Friday, December 14, 2018/Author: NCWRC blogger/Number of views (2824)/Comments (0)/

New to Hunting? Our Getting Started Outdoors Program Can Help!

New to Hunting? Our Getting Started Outdoors Program Can Help!

If you’re already a hunter, try to imagine a time (if you can) when you didn’t know how to hunt…a time without firearm knowledge and scouting skills, no comprehension of how to process meat and no social support, such as family or friends to help you get out into the field. Most of us took to hunting easily and naturally, and with abundant assistance from other hunters in our circle of friends. In fact, many of us learned from someone we shared a home with, or at least a neighborhood. Still, there are many folks who grew up with no supporting cast of family and friends to encourage or cultivate their hunting interests. READ MORE

Thursday, December 6, 2018/Author: NCWRC blogger/Number of views (8438)/Comments (1)/

Fear Not These Animals of Halloween Lore

Fear Not These Animals of Halloween Lore

Bats. Snakes. Crows & Ravens. Black cats.

What do these animals have in common? Like witches, warlocks and goblins, they are “scary” animals most often associated with Halloween.  However, they are anything but scary. In fact, they are . . . MORE

Thursday, October 25, 2018/Author: NCWRC blogger/Number of views (5401)/Comments (0)/
