What to Hunt

State Classifications

To understand the law governing the hunting of wildlife, one must know and understand the definitions of certain key terms as they are used in the text of the statutes and rules dealing with this subject. These definitions may vary substantially from common usage. N.C.G.S. ß113-129 lists a number of the basic ones. Those relevant to these subjects are:

  • Game status includes species that can be hunted in North Carolina.
  • Nongame status includes species that are not classified as game or furbearer. These species are regulated by the NCWRC and may be hunted or trapped with the appropriate licenses/permits.
  • Big Game status includes species that can be hunted and must be registered with the NCWRC upon harvest.
  • Furbearer status includes species that can be trapped in North Carolina.
Tab/Accordion Items


A class of warm-blooded animals with fur or hair on their bodies. Mammals are vertebrates. The young are born live and feed on milk from their mothers.

ImageSpeciesScientific NameState ClassificationAdditional Information
ImageArmadillo, Nine-bandedDasypus novemcinctusNonGameMore Information
ImageBear, BlackUrsus americanusBig GameMore Information
ImageBobcatLynx rufusGame & FurbearerMore Information
ImageCoyoteCanis latransNonGameMore Information
ImageFox, GrayUrocyon cinereoargenteusGameMore Information
ImageGroundhogMarmota monaxNonGameProfile
ImageNutriaMyocastor coypusNonGameProfile
ImageOpossum, VirginiaDidelphis virginianaGame & FurbearerProfile
ImageRaccoonProcyon lotorGame & FurbearerMore Information
ImageFox, RedVulpes vulpesGameMore Information
ImageSkunk, StripedMephitis mephitisFurbearerProfile
ImageDeer, White-tailedOdocoileus virginianusBig GameMore Information
ImageSquirrel, FoxSciurus nigerGameMore Information 
ImageSquirrel, GraySciurus carolinensisGameMore Information 
ImageFeral SwineSus scrofaNonGameMore Information
ImageRabbit, Eastern Cottontail
Sylvilagus floridanusGameMore Information 
ImageRabbit, MarshSylvilagus palustrisGameMore Information 


A class of warm-blooded, egg-laying vertebrates. Birds are covered in feathers, have wings and a beak. Many birds are able to fly.

ImageSpeciesScientific NameState ClassificationAdditional Information
ImageBobwhite quail, NorthernColinus virginianusGame SpeciesAdditional Information
ImageDove, MourningZenaida macrouraGame SpeciesAdditional Information 

ImageDuck, BlackAnas rubripesGame SpeciesProfile 
ImageDuck, CanvasbackAythya valisineriaGame SpeciesProfile 
ImageDuck, MallardAnas platyrhynchosGame Species


Sandy Mush Game Land Birding Check List (PDF)

ImageGoose, CanadaBranta canadensisGame Species

Additional Information 


ImageRail, ClapperRallus longirostrisGame SpeciesAdditional Information 
ImageTurkey, WildMeleagris gallopavoBig GameAdditional Information 
ImageSwan, TundraCygnus columbianusGame SpeciesAdditional Information
ImageGrouse, RuffedBonasa umbeliusGame SpeciesAdditional Information
ImagePintail, NorthernAnas acutaGame SpeciesAdditional Information
ImageWaterfowl in North CarolinaN/AGame SpeciesAdditional Information
ImageWigeon, AmericanAnas americanaGame SpeciesAdditional Information
ImageWoodcock, AmericanScolopax minorGame SpeciesAdditional information
ImageDuck, WoodAix sponsaGame Species


North Carolina Wood Ducks Natural History and Management (PDF