WRC Will Not Trap Or Relocate Bears
WRC Will Typically Not Trap and Relocate Black Bears Because...
Contrary to popular belief, commission employees will not trap and relocate nuisance bears for the following reasons:
- This would simply move the problem, rather than solve it. The solution is to modify your habits and prevent this bear and other bears from being attracted to your home and neighborhood.
- Most conflicts do not warrant trapping. For example, a bear simply being in a neighborhood is not neccessarily threatening or cause for trapping.
- In most cases, people are the cause of the problem and the best long-term solution involves removal of attractants (bird feeders, unsecured garbage) rather than destruction of the bear.
- Simply catching every bear that someone sees is not an option; we have no remote places left to relocate bears where they will not come into contact with humans.
- Relocated bears often return to the place they were originally captured.
- The process of catching bears is difficult, and can be more dangerous for the bear, the public, and those involved in the capture. It is best to let the bear take its natural course out of the neighborhood or city.
WRC will not trap the bear, unless human safety is threatened. WRC will determine if a bear should be trapped. If a bear’s behavior is escalating to bold and threatening behavior towards people, commission staff will euthanize the bear.
Examples of bear threatening behavior
- Bear charges towards a person. This often occurs when people have cornered the bear or have placed themselves too close to the bear.
- Bear approaches a person directly, despite efforts to harass it away.
- Bear follows a person, despite efforts to harass it away.
Examples of bear behavior that is not threatening
- Simply being in a neighborhood or being in a neighborhood with children.
- Standing on its legs. If a bear stands on its hind legs, it is attempting to see or smell.
- Vocalizations. If a bear feels threatened or stressed, it will start to vocalize, in the form of huffs, snorts, blowing, moans, and the popping of its jaw (a chomping sound). If a bear exhibits these behaviors, people should back away from the bear.
- Through visuals and sounds, the bear is telling you it is feeling threatened and you are too close.